Please visit the new Diabetes Social Media Advocacy website at

Thank you,

Week 7: September 1, 2010

Tonight’s topic’s and questions:

Topic 1: Driving and Diabetes

Q1. Do you test before you drive?

Part 2 of Q1: How would you feel if testing before you drive became a law?

Topic 2: Alcohol and diabetes

Q2: If you drink and are of legal age, What affects does alcohol have on your bgs?

Disclaimer: We are Patients not Doctors. Please consult with your Physician before you consume alcohol.

Topic 3: College/leaving home and Diabetes

Q3. How do you/did you manage your diabetes and leaving home for the first time?

Q3.5. Any words of wisdom or insight for a PWD leaving home for the first time?

Q4. Diabetes Art Day.  What did you learn for #DArtDay?

Click here for the archive of this weeks discussion.

See you Wednesdays at 9PM EST follow @DiabetesSocMed or add #dsma to your tweets.

Be Blessed


Wk 6: August 25, 2010

Questions for this weeks #dsma discussion.

Topic’s: Diabetes life, diaversary, music

Q1. Living with diabetes-has shaped you into the person you are today?

Q2. What do you do on your diaversary – if anything? Do you celebrate?

Q3. If you were asked to dedicate a song to diabetes what would it be? and why?

Q4. Three words that describes your life with diabetes….

Q5. Do you think there will be a cure for diabetes in this life time?

Click here to see the archived chat.

Be Blessed


Wk 5: August 18, 2010

Have plans, live in a different country or can’t stay awake long enough to participate in #dsma? Have no fear, you can still participate and this is how:

Below are the questions up for discussion, post your response w/ your name (Twitter account) and I’ll tweet a few responses on Twitter during #dsma chat on Wednesday’s at 9pm EST; I didn’t want to leave anyone out, every voice counts!

Topic (s): Endocrinologist and CDE’s (Certified Diabetes Educator)

Q1. What are the 3 qualities do you look for in a Endo/CDE/PCP?

Q2. Have you ever had to fire your Endo/CDE/PCP? If so, why?

Q3. How much time do you spend w/ your diabetes care team? Do you think it’s enough?

Q3.5 Do you take a list of questions to ask your endo/pcp/cde? if, so what type of questions do you ask?

Q4.5. Insulin Dependents, Are you reluctant to make insulin changes per CDE suggestion?

Click here for the full transcript of the live chat.

Be Blessed


Wk 4: August 11, 2010


Q1. Which do you prefer PWD (Person with Diabetes) or Diabetic? Why?

Q2. How do you deal with the Diabetic Police?

Q3. Support systems are important for any and all diabetics/pwd’s. Who is your biggest supporter?

Q4. How can we take the support online to the diabetes community (offline)?

Click here to read the archive from last weeks discussion.

Be Blessed


Wk 3: August 4, 2010


– What experimental protocol would you be willing to try to delay onset or cure diabetes?

-What are your feelings towards going on insulin for a type 2 and does one wish it was sooner?

– T-1’s and LADA’s, what advice would you give to a T-2 who is transitioning from oral meeds to insulin?

-Symlin-IYO (in your opinion from a patients POV) pros and cons?

-The AADE session is going on in TX. What message would you like to send them? What is needed?

Click here for the archive of this weeks #dsma chat.

Thank you,


Week 2: July 29, 2010


-Do you consider diabetes an illness?

– As a PWD, do you consider yourself ill/sick?

-Does pre-diabetes really exists?

– There has been a lot of talk about Doctor’s using A1C’s to diagnose people with diabetes. Your thoughts?

– Brittle Diabetes is a term often used to describe pwd’s on insulin. What are your thoughts when people use the word “Brittle Diabetes?”

If you would like to participate in the live twitter discussion follow the hastage #dsma or follow @DiabetesSocMed , every Wednesday night at 9 pm eastern standard time.

Be Blessed,


Click here to view the transcript from #dsma discussion

Week 1: July 21, 2010


– How do you feel about the false advertising for diabetes cures? ie snack oil, herbal med’s and diets

– What are your thoughts on the Media’s perception of T-1 and T-2 diabetes?

– How can we as a community (effectively) change their perception?

If you would like to participate in the live twitter discussion follow the hastage #dsma or follow @DiabetesSocMed , every Wednesday night at 9 pm eastern standard time.

Thank you,


(host/moderator of #dsma)